Equal Opportunities
One of the key objectives of CRC 933 was to promote equal opportunities of scholars. The DFG supportes this cause with the module “Measures for Equal Opportunities in Research Networks”.
In the long term, the measures were to contribute to the following:
- An increase in the number of female scholars on the level of project management.
- Qualification of female junior researchers and enhancing their research network for an academic career – beyond the subject-related expertise.
- Establishment of family friendly conditions of work at CRC 933.
In the pursuit of these goals we cooperated closely with the Equal Opportunities Office of Heidelberg University. Specifically, we offered the following services:
- Equal Opportunities student assistants: parents of children under the age of 13 could make use of up to 15 additional assistant hours per month and person.
- Emergency assistants: in the final phases of qualification, in cases of longer illness or other extraordinary strain (e.g. single-parenting, care of relatives etc.) the support of up to 15 additional assistant hours per month could be provided.
- Travel subsidy for children: Parents who took their children on research trips could receive a subsidy for their travel costs and on-location child care.
- Parent-child office: We had a playpen, a travel bed, a rocker and a high chair at our dispose in the CRC's office. Further furnishing could be (co-)financed with the available means.
- Seminars for career advancement: Financial means could be provided for participation in career promotion measures and networking.
- Individual coaching: It is a part of planning an academic career to strategically pursue short- and long-term goals. The SFB 933 supported the establishing of goals and measures as well as help with role finding through individual coaching.