Material Text Cultures

Dr. Rodney Ast


Department of Papyrology

Telephone:  (0)6221-54 23 34


Contact Information

Institute for Papyrology, Heidelberg University
Marstallstraße 6, 69117 Heidelberg
Tel.: ++49 6221 542334

Research Interests

Curriculum Vitae

Education and Employment
Prizes and Grants 
  • 2018: Planning grant for the collaborative project, “Text-Object-Person,” University of Heidelberg, Field of Focus 3
  • 2017: “Webinars in Specialized Disciplines / Webinare in den kleinen Fächern,” E-Learning project funded by the Ministerium für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kunst Baden-Württemberg within the Landesinitiative Kleine Fächer in Baden-Württemberg
  • 2011-2019: Director of the DFG-funded Sonderforschungsbereich 933 Subproject “Antike Briefe als Kommunikationsmedium (A02)” (Period 1 and Period 2)
  • 09/2013-07/2017: DFG-NEH Bilateral Digital Humanities Program, “A Digital Corpus of Literary Papyri,” Cooperation Partner Prof. R.S. Bagnall, New York University (DFG Award)
  • 09/2011-08/2012: DFG-NEH Bilateral Workshop for the Project “A Digital Corpus of Literary Papyri,” Cooperation Partner Prof. R.S. Bagnall, New York University (DFG Award)
  • 07/2011: Hengstberger Prize, University of Heidelberg, with Dr. Patrick Sänger; funds awarded for a conference on “Minorities and Migration”
University and Professional Service, Archaeological Fieldwork, Projects


Selected Publications

Edited Books
Editorial Work for the Sammelbuch griechischer Urkunden aus Ägypten
Recent Journal Articles and Contributions to Scholarly Collections

Academic Interests



Further Information about Dr. Ast here.



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