Dr. Kirsten Wallenwein
Auxiliary Sciences of History Telephone: (0)6221/54-3028 |
Lateinische Philologie des Mittelalters und der Neuzeit
Grabengasse 3-5
D-69117 Heidelberg
Curriculum vitae
- July 2015 - February 2024: Postdoctoral Fellow at the CRC 933 «Material Text Cultures», sub-project A08
- 2014: PhD thesis: «Corpus subscriptionum. Verzeichnis der Beglaubigungen von spätantiken und frühmittelalterlichen Textabschriften (saec. IV-VIII)»
- August 2012 - September 2021 Coordinator for the interdisciplinary Master's Program «Medieval Studies» at the University of Heidelberg
- August 2012 - June 2015: Research Fellow at the sub-project A04 (additional project)
- 2012: Diploma (Magister artium) with a thesis about «Die Frankenchronik des Rigord von Saint-Denis. Geschichtsschreibung in Frankreich um 1200»
- 2010-2011: Assistant teacher in Soissons, France
- 2008-2012: Student assistant at the department for Latin Philology of the Middle Ages, for the Master's program «Medieval Studies», at the chair of Prof. Dr. Bernd Schneidmüller and at the University Archives; tutor for Medieval Latin and Medieval History
- 2008: Internship at the DHI Paris
- 2007-2010: Employement at the «Zentralarchiv der Evangelischen Kirche der Pfalz Speyer»
- 2007: Internship at the Archives départementales de l'Hérault in Montpellier
- 2006-2010: Employee for museum education at the UNESCO World Heritage Abbey of Lorsch
- 2006: Internship at the city archives of Worms
- 2005-2006: Exchange student at the University Paris-Sorbonne (Paris IV) and the École Nationale des Chartes
- Studies in History, Auxiliary Sciences of History and (since 2008) Latin Philology of the Middle Ages and the Modern Era as well as Romance languages and literature at the University of Heidelberg
For a list of publications of Kirsten Wallenwein, please click here.