Material Text Cultures

Christian Vater, M.A.


SFB 933 - SP "Scriptbearing Artefacts in New Media"

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Research Assistant in Subproject "Script-Bearing Artefacts in the New Media"

M.A. (Magister) of Philosophy (University of Kassel). Fields of Study Philosophy of Artificial Intelligence and the concept of 'Hypertext'. Focus on semantics, logic, science and technology studies and theory of science.

Doctoral project: "Alan M. Turing an the difference between human and machine." (University of Heidelberg, Prof. Dr. Peter McLaughlin).

300 Jahre Mechanische Intelligenz. Von Rechenknechten und Denkfabriken from Christian Vater & Christoph Bertolo.

as shown at KIM.HfG.Karlsruhe und >>Castor && Pollux<< .



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