Konrad Knauber
Medieval Archaeology Telephone: kein Diensttelefon |
Institute of Prehistory, Protohistory and Near-Eastern Archaeology
Sandgasse 7
69117 Heidelberg
- Born 1982 in Speyer, Germany.
- Studied Pre- and Proto-History (with focus on Medieval Archaeology) as well as Medieval History and Religious Studies at the University of Tübingen.
- Study visits 2007 in Sibiu (Romania) and 2009 in Leipzig.
- Since 2003 numerous internships and working contracts with several German cultural heritage authorities and academic archaeological research projects in Germany, France and Romania.
- Since 2005 student assistant at the University Museum Tübingen, later on at the local Institute of Pre- and Proto-History and course guidance centre.
- M. A. degree 2014 with a thesis project on regional archaeology („Das Speyerer Allerheiligenstift. Befunde und Funde des Mittelalters und der Neuzeit aus den Grabungen Speyer – Lindenstraße 6, 2002 und 2004“).